Bestätigungs-SMS für 304-381-xxxx .

Terminzeit Nummer Botschaft
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2018-10-17 03:06:24 304-381-xxxx [DAYBIT] 인증번호: 476879. 인증번호 입력 유효시간은 3분입니다.
2018-10-17 03:08:17 304-381-xxxx [DAYBIT] 인증번호: 496669. 인증번호 입력 유효시간은 3분입니다.
2018-10-29 03:44:55 304-381-xxxx n holders Total amount: 2,500,000 ZPR Period: 2018-10-30 09:00:00 -
2018-10-29 03:44:55 304-381-xxxx 2018-11-06 08:59:59 (UTC +9) Event 2. Airdrop for ZPR traders Tota
2018-10-29 04:22:18 304-381-xxxx :59:59 (UTC +9) ※ ZPR will be airdropped each morning for total 7
2018-10-29 04:22:18 304-381-xxxx airdropped as part of the promotion. Event 1. Airdrop for DAY toke
2018-10-29 04:22:18 304-381-xxxx se visit Thank you.
2018-10-29 04:22:18 304-381-xxxx days, and the daily amount will be based on the previous day’s trad
2018-10-29 04:22:18 304-381-xxxx rawn 7 days after the end of the event. For more information, Plea
2018-10-29 04:22:18 304-381-xxxx DAYBIT at 9 am on October 30th (Tue) 5,000,000 ZPR tokens will be
2018-10-29 04:22:18 304-381-xxxx [DAYBIT] ZPER Listing Promotion ZPER (ZPR) token will be listed on
2018-10-29 04:22:18 304-381-xxxx e volume and DAY amount. ※ Airdropped amount can be traded or withd
2018-10-29 04:22:18 304-381-xxxx l amount: 2,500,000 ZPR Period: 2018-10-30 09:00:00 - 2018-11-06 08
2019-04-18 18:26:14 304-381-xxxx [DAYBIT] Code: 392330. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-04-18 18:26:24 304-381-xxxx [DAYBIT] Code: 392330. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-04-18 18:27:32 304-381-xxxx [DAYBIT] Code: 442273. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-04-18 18:28:24 304-381-xxxx [DAYBIT] Code: 649103. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-05-03 20:21:36 304-381-xxxx [DAYBIT] Code: 070607. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-05-03 20:24:38 304-381-xxxx [DAYBIT] Code: 301065. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-05-03 20:32:37 304-381-xxxx [DAYBIT] Code: 036562. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-05-03 21:11:42 304-381-xxxx [DAYBIT] Code: 626333. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-05-04 05:51:07 304-381-xxxx [DAYBIT] Code: 853505. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-05-05 21:53:42 304-381-xxxx [DAYBIT] Code: 240661. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-05-29 11:56:36 304-381-xxxx [DAYBIT] Code: 652890. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-06-17 07:25:36 304-381-xxxx [DAYBIT] Code: 161923. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-06-18 11:34:22 304-381-xxxx [DAYBIT] Code: 145961. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-06-21 21:47:51 304-381-xxxx [DAYBIT] Code: 464973. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-06-23 14:46:57 304-381-xxxx [DAYBIT] Code: 580989. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-06-23 14:46:58 304-381-xxxx [DAYBIT] Code: 580989. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-06-28 11:16:06 304-381-xxxx [DAYBIT] Code: 223317. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-06-29 12:51:13 304-381-xxxx [DAYBIT] Code: 971619. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-07-02 23:41:01 304-381-xxxx [DAYBIT] Code: 159185. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-07-05 10:53:03 304-381-xxxx [DAYBIT] Code: 045273. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-07-06 20:02:55 304-381-xxxx [DAYBIT] Code: 894342. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-07-10 11:53:19 304-381-xxxx [DAYBIT] Code: 873939. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-07-13 21:32:28 304-381-xxxx [Daybit] Code: 042703. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-09-21 14:04:17 304-381-xxxx [Daybit] Code: 821537. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-09-21 14:05:32 304-381-xxxx [Daybit] Code: 701073. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-09-22 18:29:43 304-381-xxxx [Daybit] Code: 238667. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-09-22 18:29:45 304-381-xxxx [Daybit] Code: 238667. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-09-22 18:33:51 304-381-xxxx [Daybit] Code: 490491. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-09-22 18:33:53 304-381-xxxx [Daybit] Code: 490491. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-09-22 18:46:27 304-381-xxxx [Daybit] Code: 083326. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-09-22 18:46:28 304-381-xxxx [Daybit] Code: 083326. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-09-22 21:04:41 304-381-xxxx [Daybit] Code: 168583. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-09-22 21:04:42 304-381-xxxx [Daybit] Code: 168583. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-09-26 00:42:39 304-381-xxxx [Daybit] Code: 778664. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-09-26 00:42:40 304-381-xxxx [Daybit] Code: 778664. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-09-26 20:11:04 304-381-xxxx [Daybit] Code: 838854. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-09-26 20:11:07 304-381-xxxx [Daybit] Code: 838854. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-09-30 10:08:42 304-381-xxxx [Daybit] Code: 977677. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-09-30 10:08:44 304-381-xxxx [Daybit] Code: 977677. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-09-30 10:34:06 304-381-xxxx [Daybit] Code: 279365. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-09-30 10:35:40 304-381-xxxx [Daybit] Code: 349607. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2019-09-30 10:35:40 304-381-xxxx [Daybit] Code: 349607. Change your password if you haven't requested it.
2020-01-20 23:43:56 304-381-xxxx [Daybit] Code: 596631. Change your password if you haven't requested it.